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大家在看女侠且慢 霸天武魂 问天三罪 悟性逆天:我在藏经阁创造无敌法 星辰王 逆天悟性:从开创观想法开始长生 玄幻:北凉世子,签到亿万神魔 我在镇武司摸鱼那些年 靠着系统无敌,知道我有多苦吗? 玄蛇成仙,从镇族老祖开始 
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Jiang Yun was embraced by the same unfamiliar man for the second time within a day, which was a strange feeling. There is an inexplicable sweetness in my heart, like the seeds sprouting from spring rain, which nourishes the expression of closeness.

There was no time to lament how much profound meaning this almost rude embrace carried, and Jiang Yun's thoughts were startled by his younger brother's cry.

I saw Jiang Yuan suspended in mid air by a pitch black broken net, and Jiang Yuan's little children's shoes were holding their big pears and looking down in fear.

Wang Qiang saw that this was an artificial trap, which was usually set up for large and medium-sized wild animals. He didn't want Jiang Yuan to step on it with just one step.

Wang Qiang sincerely sighed, why is this onion so unlucky, why is it so unlucky? Just as he was about to turn around and rescue the unlucky guy who had fallen into the trap, suddenly a strange sound of breaking through the air came from Wang Qiang's ear.

Wang Qiang is no more familiar with this sound than the sound of blowing arrows. Once upon a time, Wang Qiang used this type of blow arrow to protect himself in the jungle before he was eligible to obtain a gun exclusive to himself in the exploration team.

Sure enough, holding Jiang Yun in his arms, he slightly dodged and a slender wooden needle rubbed through Wang Qiang's body, nailing him to death on a large tree trunk behind him.

Looking at the small wooden needle left outside the tree trunk, the dark green dots caused Wang Qiang's fear.

Be careful of these blow arrows, they are poisonous, "Wang Qiang said softly.

Jiang Yun's eyelashes trembled uncontrollably, and it seemed that poisonous arrows could scare girls.

With his ghostly movement, Wang Qiang easily avoided several blow arrows fired at him.



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