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大家在看天渊 女侠且慢 绝世唐门 造化血狱体 巫师:从骑士呼吸法开始肝经验 灵墟,剑棺,瞎剑客 斗罗大陆之史莱克七怪的成神之路 大家都是邪魔,怎么你浑身圣光? 绝世天命大反派 灭族之夜,大帝的我被后人召唤 
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After quickly clearing the battlefield, the squad continued to advance. At this point, the soldiers became more agile and focused. After all, a large group of zombies have appeared, which also indicates that the road ahead will not be very safe.

Wang Qiang, how did you do it? "Yu Kuan followed Wang Qiang's side and couldn't help but ask.

How did you do it

How do you know there's a zombie ahead

I smelled it

Are you a dog

You belong to the dog

How do you know I belong to a dog? It's amazing

Colonel Wang Minggang didn't feel very well. Just now, the zombies broke through the defense line. Although they were quickly blocked and leaked by the brother's troops, there were also many zombies infiltrating the rear.

At this moment, the battle on the defense line was at its worst, and Wang Minggang didn't have time to consider why these zombies didn't eat people. Instead, he headed straight towards the legion fortress along the block. Now, no one has the strength and energy to study the behavior of zombies.

The terrifying giant zombie had already destroyed all the artillery and tank mecha formations on the battlefield. If it hadn't been for the Shaolin Five Elders personally to intervene and lead the giant zombie to battle in the open distance, the defense line would have been ruined long ago.

However, even so, the surging zombies like a sea wave still pounded against the defense line, making it appear precarious.

Every minute is killing, every minute is fighting repeatedly!

The mutated zombies, mixed in ordinary zombies, burst into the front of the position under gunfire, then suddenly unleashed their power and charged into the position.

At this moment, there will inevitably be a bloody slaughter.

Faced with this moment, there is always a senseless warrior who will immediately detonate the explosives they carry and die with the zombies. And the position will be filled up by the soldiers from behind in the first time.



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