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大家在看大主宰 绝世唐门 我的诡异人生 反派:气运之子太多,我摆烂了 老祖别苟了,宇宙要没了 玄幻:开局九个仙女师傅 玄幻:成为瞎子,我游历江湖 我!剧透天道,通天彻底黑化了 仙源农场 绝世神皇 
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The first thing these soldiers do when entering the position is to clean up the people and zombies next to them with bayonets, ensuring that there will be no sudden corpses, and then continue shooting towards the nearby zombies.

However, even so, there were still unnoticed corpses that suddenly erupted, causing chaos within the trench.

The battle was very difficult, and in just two hours, the damage rate of the 39th Division of the 13th Army where Wang Minggang was stationed exceeded 50%. It is said that this is still the best situation on the front line

Wang Minggang arranged the troops of his last battalion in the residential buildings of the Qingshan Lvshui munity, and used the balcony and rooftop to attack the zombies.

At this point, all the platoons stationed in the munity garden had died in battle, and the zombie swarm followed the stairs and entered the residential building.

Wang Minggang ordered his soldiers to blow up the corridor and defend it to the death. But the zombies still tirelessly dug out the passage from the stairs and killed them in the residential building.

The corridor on the second floor was exhumed by zombies and then bombed out on the third floor. The third floor was washed by zombies and then bombed out on the fourth floor... Every floor of the corridor and every room fought for land, and people and corpses fought to the end!

The soldiers on the rooftop also suffered a devastating disaster, as those eerie and spider like mutated zombies climbed up the rooftop along the wall, slaughtering and killing the soldiers who were caught off guard.

When Wang Minggang ran out of the last bullet in his pistol, there were no more soldiers around him. Wang Minggang was furious, carrying a broken looting wreckage and charging towards the mutated zombie!



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