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大家在看厄难天书 开局长生不死,谁都以为我无敌 天兽鼎 哥布林从剑之圣女开始 重生商纣,开局怒怼圣人女娲 反派:气运之子太多,我摆烂了 悟性逆天,我在诸天薅羊毛 开局心脏被挖,我移植魔祖之心 玄幻:开局九个仙女师傅 噬神塔 
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The giant zombie let out an angry roar, as loud as a dragon elephant, rolling up a layer of snow and dust.

Pulling out the mountain, the giant zombie hit the sign of the caf é with a fist like a tire from a fifty ton heavy-duty lootive.

The impression of Meilun's exquisite decoration and splendor is that the caf é has turned into rubble under the fists of the giant zombies.

The scattered wind chimes were scattered all over the ground, the ingenious furniture was torn apart, and even the painted pink message wall was destroyed. The tragedy was even more terrifying than after the demolition team swept through.

The shattered caf é is ravaged by a giant zombie's seven meter tall body, like a young girl without any underwear, how can it be tormented!

Not far from the caf é on the street, an elderly monk with blood dripping down his body was staring at the giant zombie and trembling all over.

Younger Martial Brother Dingyuan... Ah, you evil ghost running out of Shura Hell, you dare to harm my younger martial brother's life. I will never give up with you

The old monk let out a hoarse roar, threw away his Zen stick, and removed the tattered cassock wrapped around his body, revealing the high explosive bag that was bound all over him!

Laozi, no, I'm fighting with you! "The old monk rushed towards the zombie.

Fixed body senior brother, absolutely not. "Another skinny old monk quickly jumped up and grabbed the senior brother with the explosive bag on his back.

During the entanglement, a person rolled out of the ruins of the coffee shop, like a field mouse, cleverly sneaking through the crotch of the giant zombie and arriving at the two old monks.

Senior brothers, why are you still here? Quickly retreat

The speaker is still an old monk.

However, this old monk had no need for black eyebrows, a short and sturdy figure, with a bare arm wrapped in a cassock, and his strong muscles emitting a shiny radiance. The whole person was also quite energetic.




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