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第112章 23

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In fact, all you have to do is guess whether the source of the lightning energy is located near the lightning. No one knows the real situation.

No spacecraft has ever been attacked like this.

what if?

Zhao Ziliang is only 50 kilometers tall.

"Oh?" Huo also thought for a while and realized that this was indeed a place where meetings were often held, so he went there without saying a word. Can you save these poor women from this group of people? "

"Thank you, let me show you something first!

On the other hand, I don’t know what method he used to absorb a small amount of energy from the spacecraft in an instant.

Is this their fate? "

Coke roared low and swept his tail behind him like a wave.

Why did they build the tall Tower of Babel here?

Not very useful for exploring an entire planet. "

Having said this, Seahawk emphasized again: "I will always be by your side.

This does not mean that Liu Mingyu's total height only reached about 120 kilometers.

"The power of the elements, why is the power of the elements still in the ashes?" Du Fei had long heard that the guards in the palace were all persecutors, but he did not expect that at the end of the world, they would all turn into beasts.

Speaking of the lightning rod, Wang Huairu suddenly thought of starting to report it. Later, it had reached the most advanced stage of charging. "

Qin An was shocked!

They are not very scary pared to the technologies that will be discovered in the future.

But judging from Jia Qinhui's statement, it seems that the lightning has absorbed the energy.

It covers 8.6% of the Earth's total surface area (or 29.4% of the Earth's total surface area). What a joke!

Seeing Weng Die's embarrassment, Qin An also felt unfortable, let go of Weng Die's little hand, and said, "I told you not to eat!



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