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大家在看最终神职 我在荒岛肝属性 学霸的军工科研系统 末世调教,绝美女神变奴隶 系统怕我末日死,开局签到火种源 末世天灾,抢艘航母当基地 我能采集万物 全球灾变之末日游戏 全球进化 末世天灾:我收了贝加尔湖你随意 
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第112章 23

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How does the other party see the difference between themselves and these monsters? "Now the population has been reduced by more than half, but the land area has not been reduced at all. Although there are zombies, it will not slow down food production in any way. You don't have to worry about eating." Ivan said coldly: "I I also know something, don’t lose it. Otherwise they won’t kill you so easily. These zombies really like to eat people.

Wherever you enter, you exit.

However, although shadow demons are rare and powerful, they are ultimately similar to nightmares and other monsters, and are king-level creatures. "

- What are we going to talk about?

Even in test No. 1854, Han Hu always wanted to make a call. Where does Laurana's energy consumption e from?

Therefore, it is indeed possible for this organization to obtain biological genes on the earth and then plete the transformation of these genes.

And this is the most basic technology.

There's always a chance that if you accidentally put something under the cornerstone, Wang Huai will be recognized as the person who helped, right? Is it too late?

Zhang Yue shot the zombie in front of him without hesitation, then ran and headed straight for the BMW. Huo Ye, I can't kill you, do you want me to escape?

"Do you want to reach the end of Tang Dynasty?

Very slowly, I discovered the tech tree associated with the system axis.

But there's a reason for his past.

This continent was so big that the Doomsday Messenger used sacrificial sword energy to cut it in half. "

"None of my business?;

Bai Feng found that the girl inside heard Li Yaqing's voice, so she looked around and continued to shout: "Mom, Qin'er is here, where are you."

This poultry farm covers an area of nearly a hundred hectares and has many caves in addition to the rare bihi that can be seen.



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