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第114章 42

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Generally speaking, the current Xingchen Group has shrunk a lot, and Liu Mingyu is even busier.

When Wan Huairu appeared again, he was no longer a thousand meters deep.

Yes, but the talent score is lower than 90 points.

The characters collected will enter Feiyun.

Yu Chaomu just heard Wang Jiqing say a few words today and put Wang Jiqing in the trailer. Chonghanyu must teach this course.

The main reason is not listening to advice.

"I don't know him, but his facial features are very obvious, thick eyebrows, big eyes, a face with Chinese characters, and..."

Liu Ruotong was about to ask someone to take a photo of the coach, but Shangguan Yudie telepathically interrupted him: "Wait!

I don’t know how many people are looking forward to the development of Xingchen Group. So Song Yan agreed to go to a new city with these two people early tomorrow morning.

This mission was so dangerous that Du Fei felt there was no need to send anyone to carry it out. "

“Go through this group.

This is known.

Shi Lanjing asked: "Does the instrument have an instruction manual?

Compared with Ji Yuezhen, the assistants sent by Dong Jianping are not very poor in language talent, but like Ji Yuezhen, they cannot get rid of their dependence on this world.

Yao Lei ignored him and prayed again: "Director Zhang, please help me. The Chinese New Year is next month. At least I can buy some decent New Year's goods for the lower-level employees."

The latter did not agree, but pointed to Song Zhang next to him and said:

"I need to repair their relationship and not let something like this happen again.

Considering the current needs of Xingchen Group, there is really no need for a space elevator.

At dinner time, Old Angel and his family prepared a delicious meal. Thanks to the huge bonus issued by Old Angel at the end of the year, the family's living conditions have improved significantly, and the family is planning to buy a house in Huicheng.



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