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over from Xu Liang's place and spent some time here.

Thirty times! "

The corners of the Beast Queen's mouth raised slightly, and she said coldly:

"Do you believe that the Queen of Savage Beasts is one of the ancestors of the seven beasts? I hate this woman so much!

The first audience finished watching The Witcher.

But it really happened before their eyes.

Ziyang observed the words of Reckless and Enchanting for a while, and felt that the information he had obtained was not bad, so the smile on his face became even brighter.

Weng Die stood up, then walked to the door, opened it, and said to the outside: "Sister-in-law Li, are you there?"

"Not necessarily. If he can follow me to Hanghai City in the empire, maybe there is someone there who can save him, but I don't know if she is willing to just be an orc, so there is a chance that Luo will be resurrected, but ... "

Before Qin An finished speaking, Xia Pong knelt on the ground with a cry, then crawled in front of Qin An with both hands, and kissed Qin An's feet with his lips. "

"I am optimistic about the local forces. After all, there is strength in numbers. Although Chen Mo is very strong and can single-handedly destroy the terror factory, can he still defeat thousands of troops with one hand?"

"Is there food?

Just as he was thinking about it, the golden stick was already falling downwards. Qin An concentrated on controlling the golden cudgel. When it fell, it possessed the majestic power of destroying the whole body. ! "

The corner of Shennong's mouth twitched, and after a long time he said:

"Okay, then I'll go find Yang Youji, talk to him about this matter, see what his opinion is, and give you an answer later.

While Qin An cut off Jinbao's arm, he also used the healing power of Pudu Sword God on him.



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