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In the movie "The Witcher", the scenes presented in it can all be found in the virtual game "The Witcher World".

At the end of the Tang Dynasty, a warehouse was filled with high-grade crystal stones, while an entire warehouse and a half were filled with mid-grade crystal stones. When everyone in Atisk's war department heard this, their eyes were red, and anger surged into their hearts, which was difficult to calm down. Twenty tons of precious ore, what is this concept? What's just puzzling is why she directly asked Qin An to go to the left? Wolf dog?

Another wave of waves crashed onto the balcony, and the warm sea water made the sleeping Beast King frown slightly.

Because of Qin An's blow, the earth opened a crack more than thirty kilometers long, dividing the giant city. Dust flew up and mixed with the majestic energy to form a devil cloud that rushed to a height of 100 meters in the sky. The air was ten meters high. It exploded seconds later, and the strong resistance caused the water in the air to burn. Then it sublimated and turned into white mist. After boiling into the sky, it gathered in the mushroom cloud and turned into water droplets. After falling from the sky, it merged with the heat wave and turned into water again. For water vapor ...

The sight of Yaotian and others was pletely obscured. They were forced to retreat due to the impact of the force, and they were eight or nine hundred meters away.

After the two of them avoided the crowd and sold snake carcasses, almost a few hours later, all the mutated snake carcasses nearby were sold out. Farther away, in the territory where large groups of people were infested, it was too eye-catching.

Bai Feng and Ouyang Xue were stunned. What did this mean? "

Luo Wenyong's mouth felt a little dry while talking, so he stopped to drink some water and continued: "The second generation of virtual reality technology will start in 2060."



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