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第112章 23

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Almost everyone reported similar situations. After Mr. Wang finished speaking, he took the lead in speaking amid applause. Seeing Wang Qin suffering, Bai Feng felt a little heartbroken, but Bai Feng knew that at this moment, Wang Qin could only bear the responsibility.

But to be honest, Wang Huairu has no intention of continuing to spend money on this.

"You just saw that the ultimate goal of these monsters in the new world is also the Tower of Babel behind them.

Chen Yang led the search and rescue team back to the city to find survivors. Zhang Zhixue was unable to leave the room due to his leg injury, so another soldier took care of Xu Sanfang on his behalf.

Ten seconds later. "

Weng Die said: "Are you awake? It's your turn." A clear voice came from behind.

We have all tried less than a hundred substances.

"Times are getting tougher. They've raided nearly every resource in the area, but it's too dangerous to continue. A feeding group often leaves ten people behind, and then only one or two e back. Plus, whatever's still in there is raw Grains were picked up and put into mouths.

Wang Jiqin sat in the car with his head leaning against the car window under the watchful eyes of several guards. He didn't know why, but he shook his head sadly.

This is very rare. "

Before hanging up the phone, Zhao Ziliang said to Liu Mingyu next to him: "Stop trying new substances for the time being, and then try the substances you just tried.

Zhao Ziliang also suspected that the monsters in this new world were not created by aliens who extracted and integrated the genes of earth creatures, right? "

More than half an hour later, Yinhui arrived at the target building, and the two took the elevator directly to the fifteenth floor.

Liu Mingyu nodded.

Kang Xinsheng couldn't believe it. There was a factory there, right? ——The teacher made it very clear.



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